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- # 1 Reason Why You Beat Genius; Building Pillar of Thought Process
# 1 Reason Why You Beat Genius; Building Pillar of Thought Process
Genius have been beaten so many times by average minds regardless of immense natural gift they have.

Genius have been beaten so many times by average minds regardless of immense natural gift they have. This has mainly been credited by how you learn to train the mind to work to from ideas, make decisions and solve problems.
We want to introduce this element that have beaten genius.
Looking at a small child that is practicing to walk, one day they stand up and realized they were able to move the leg on their own, within a week they usually manage to have conquered more than ten steps.
These abilities are unlocked by one power – the mind. The child starts to develop imaginative capabilities and then they are able to witness that what they imagine is able to become a reality.
This involves ability to think about things, considering different options, and coming to a conclusion.
The Engine; Your mind
Your mind is a very strong organ that will expand or shrink every day. When you encounter an issue the mind will set alert ready to swing into action. Most people always rush to adopt the most simplest solutions to solve the issue.
However this has led to abortion of great solutions that would be achieved if the mind was put into task to think deeper on what has happened.
The mind is very elastic and will grow as you push and practice it to think.
Thought is a group of mental processes that helps people form associations among various elements and understand the working of the world. Though every one may use similar thought processes, the differences in brain activity and function from person to person may cause people to experience them in different ways.
The question is which thought activity do you involve your brain with.
Why are thought processes important
Thought processes helps us to navigate through out the world . They help us understand interactions with other human beings and why people do what they do. Thought processes can also help us understand ourselves and why we have certain feelings and preferences.
Defining and practicing using these operations may help people connect and communicate with one another by understanding the over reaching situations and constructs in which we all engage.
Thought process as a tool to spur your business
Many business makers have been lost in day today activities and are not able to be traced in their business in terms of offering leadership direction.
Many businesses are run on basis of activities that come and never one time well coordinated thoughts are put into place.
If there is anything else that will help you from this reading, is realization that your business will only grow if you set enough resources of your mind to offer thought process in solving problems and filtering ideas that you may be thinking of.
Here are the key areas of thinking about;
Think about your business from the point of the universe.
This is where you push your mind to start thinking what is the number of people who would be interested in your product or services within your operation jurisdiction. Put it differently- How many people use the same product or services you offer regardless of who they get it from - in the world, country, township etc
If you are selling hair beauty, how many women consumer hair beauty services that you offer in your region. Then how many do you serve. You should then engage your mind and ask why such a big gap.
May be you offer service to 100 people in a year and the total number that hails in your area are One Million. Why such a gap.
Engage your conceptual thinking – ability to identify pattern from certain information. Reflect about it for a certain period of time and you will start experiencing power of your cognitive thinking.
Think about the changing preferences of your prospective customers in your universe
In this world of abundant sources of information customers have continued to become very powerful regarding purchase choices they make
Again your mind is invited to become very cognitive and start creating imaginations of how and what to serve your customers
A customer who was buying one piece of cloth per month last year may be able to buy two pieces of cloths per month this year for same price.
By creating such imaginations you will develop enhanced abilities in selecting your business prospects which you can follow to turn them to customers
These wonders are available and unless you unlock your thinking resources for your business, there will be continuous underperformance
Think about your customer services and operations
Do you meet your customers need in the form they would want to. Do you create a habit of surpassing your customers expectations.
These are critical questions that will require you engage your intuitive thinking to come up with a solution to meet and surpass your customers expectations
Basically it will start from the understanding you have about your business and customers
These all is summing that no body will grow your business apart from you. Your business will not grow from following routine activities that usually comes by. You will be required to trigger thought processing so that you unlock.
You may pick some of these form of thinking;
Creativity - Inventing new and unique thoughts of ideas. Unlocking your creative skills comes with practicing
Critical thinking- developing procedural way of forming an opinion and judgement. Like when testing effectiveness of certain method
Divergent thinking – developing divergent in finding solution to a problem. Getting alternative method of finding a solution
Emotional intelligence-ability to recognize and understand your own emotions and those of others and when to react in which way
Explanation- Developing abilty to explain your decisions and how they can be traced back to what made them come about.
In conclusion
You are the leader of your business mainly with one main role – build strong thought process to guide your decisions and unlock the power of collaborative thinking.
Where you feel your thinking is crowded, work to engage support from experts so that you find your way with superior thoughts.
The year 2024 is coming to an end. We have one more letter to issue before we finally cloe the year. Hope you have enjoyed the ride on learning how to discover and grow your business.
Looking forward to meeting you through our last letter for the year. Continue intrracting with our work with micro business here https://cygnus.co.ke/poweringhse/
Glad, Gachoka