Introduction To Business; Are You Self Employed Or An Enterpreneur

Learn. Discover. Grow; Scaling Your Micro Business

When I was employed in corporate job, I kept on growing desire of achieving self employment. Running business at my convenience, creating and defining the joy of my time and remaining commited to activities that i would want. Thats is what i thought to become a self employed person.

I jungled with it and it got good improvement.  However as the operations grew my urge to grow it compelled further and I made ultimate decision of leaving corporate employment to go and further my vision of becoming self employed. 

The organic path depicting villages where people start journey

Many micro businesses are just set and operated for the cash they make at the end of the day. This has trapped many businesses makers into a circus of activities that can never guarantee tomorrow. Always complaining that my business is shrinking.

ntroduction to Business; Self Employment Versus Enterpreneurship

Introduction to business making is Introduction to entrepreneurship and not self employment. The spirit of entrepreneurship is a long haul journey of commitment to grow your enterprise through the art of business making. It is not short stints of cash making where people who even do street brokerage may think they are business people.

Defining your self as an entrepreneur will invite you to a journey of personal mastery, establishing your ability to profound business decision making abilities , setting the independence of business beyond your self and creating systems beyond just cash making but that guarantees future sustainability.

Goose That Lays Golden Eggs

Define your enterprise as the Goose that lays golden eggs. This will automatically set it apart from who you are and safeguard it with an art. If you see your business as the Golden Goose you will work diligently to build strong structure to sustain it and safeguard the money that comes from it ruthlessly.

Who Are You In Your Business

As you master Introduction to business making, ask your self who are you in the business. Do you think you are the right person to take the idea you have to next level or need to equip with far more knowledge.

his will need you have a very honest check on your abilities and know what to beef up so that you can create knowledge. It is very important to note the fact that you are the idea bearer and you started it does not mean you have the capacity to drive that vehicle.

Then if you really seek to be an Enterpreneur beyond just being self employed, take up the challenge. This confirms clearly that Enterpreneurship is a journey while self employment is just an incidence within that journey.


Imagine of sustainability, enterprise that is independent from you, systems beyond just making cash and your ability to make business decisions. This will definately unlock even more opportunties for your growth.

Every business is scalable. Learn and discover how to grow your enterprise.

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Thank you for your time. Until next week.



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