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- Loss making to profit without any Dollars Capital: Micro activities to shift to Giants results
Loss making to profit without any Dollars Capital: Micro activities to shift to Giants results
Execution for business is exactly like a machine that have varied cogs fueling each other to create a motion. Execution of business is about micro activities pulling each other like machine
Execution for business is exactly like a machine that have varied cogs fueling each other to create a motion. It is exactly like a machine with levers. Execution of business is about micro activities pulling each other to make a system that create motion.
A micro business with coherent and harmonized activities will definitely create right energy that leads to results.
If you consider the many micro activities you engage in for your micro business, this confirms that there is no extra energy required. It is just a matter of populating the ones you do and then organizing them in a harmonized pattern to create flow.
Achieving this will unlock your system. It will be testimonial for sure.
Aligning systems
James clear in his book Atomic Habit you fail not for lack of plan but on basis of strength of your daily system that governs activities. These are systems you have set to enable development of a routine.
When you start your day without knowing you fall into a routine that is preset by your environment. Because this is not meant to favour your targets you find yourself operating under some other peoples system and routine. Every day you are on it, weekly, monthly and then year in year out.
If you take time to measure how much of the energy you put in activities that benefit your business, you realise you only operate at may be 30% of productive activities.
The rest 70% is a loss of energy on activities set by someone else and they don’t benefit you at all.
Typical micro business operator
Lets imagine of the micro business maker who may seem doing a lot of work.
A grocer who wakes up 4am to go to aggregator market to fetch groceries for the residential estate business. The grocer works through out the day and in between the day will have some unplanned sleeping naps then closes the business officially around 9pm.
The mind of this person will stick actively for 16 to 17 hours or even more because when they reach in the house there will be some other house chores. I saw this first hand with my auntie when I was in college and we used to stay in one plot.
Suppose you confirm that out of the 16 hours worked only 30% of the same which is 4.8 hours contributed to productivity of business. The rest were activities that just meant to push routine of people around you.
This can be termed small tragedies dragging all of us forever.
Reversing the trend of 70% waste to winning from same energy
Accepting that you have been short changing yourself will unlock your next set of curiosity. For sure losing 70% of your energy in daily activities that adds no value should pain you.
Your mind is a machine that falls into systems.
It therefore requires you just develop your predetermined systems that you may follow and form the habit around it.
Soon your activities get planned you will then adopt system of adjusting on basis of how you find it taking shape. By the time you hit one month you will have clear plan you follow. Your mind will have started adopting some level of readjustment.
From this growth, your mental system will start growing and push you for more quality plans. This will lead to desire to have more objective activities.
The other level will be coming up with your short and mid term goals like reaching certain level of sales, increasing number of customers from one level to the other.
The whole flow becomes like and elastic. Expanding from struggle to complying to creating value adding activities. It becomes your life.
Example planner
The new you
The start of this displine of arranging activities will lead you to onother level. You will find you have started to have free time. Use this free time to generate thought process.
When you reach the level of generating thought process it means you have started evolving to a level of value-based thinking.
The next level will be replacing your old way of thinking with new innovative ways where you find your mind creating very worthy while ideas about running your business.
Secondly when you start creating free time, start committing some time to look for opportunities to learn more. These includes visiting training forums on business, looking for mentors to walk with you and many more of such.
Thirdly start replacing your current way of doing business with the newly learnt opportunities. The key secret to growth information is ensuring you put into practice what you learn on an ongoing basis. It starts to create opportunity for practicing, learning and adjusting accorndingly for results.
Our program for micro business growth is one opportunity that you may decide to join to start learning how to scale micro business. You can get it through https://cygnus.co.ke/poweringhse/
From here I believe you gave gotten how setting to start aligning your daily micro activities will create your new path.
I urge you to make a move and start. Dont be caught up in asking- where did my 15 years in business go.
Thank you.