Are You The Problem In Your Business. Who Are You In The Business.

Learn. Discover. Grow; Scaling Your Micro Business

My biggest joy is when i witness history of a micro enterprise then, that has grown and achieved remarkable milestones to current medium to large scale businesses. This to me is real testament of faith that was put into practice.

In the same frame, such businesses have been grown by persons that founded them and other circumstances people from outside brought in to scale a noble idea started by someone else.

Brands that have grown and continue to grow

Why Some Businesses Experience Great Growth

The reason why some of these businesses got a chance to grow is apparently because they took courageous step of replacing the founders and brought in focused people with better aligned skills for managing a business.

Spirit of Founder Syndrome

In very many circumstances businesses have completely failed to realise their potential because of the blocks and bottlenecks sustained by the same people who founded them. The deepest block is the spirit of owner syndrome where the founders will run a business like their homes, makes decision that are only meant to satisfy their personal desires and not business mission.

It is agreeable you founded the business, however it is also agreeable that as far as it is serving public through customers, staff, stakeholders, then, it changes and becomes an independent entity that hold public interest. From that understanding the founder gets a different perspective and allows running of business through the right management skills.

This begs next level of engagement that if you are the founder and believes you have what it takes to run it, then subject to continuous learning on best practices of managing the business. Separate all personal decisions from those that relates to the business. Exercise commitment to grow the business.

The intricate of these practices will definitely hold the business hostage at the neck and can't get air to enable it grow.

Who Are You In Your Business

Who are you in your business. Are you truly facilitator of its growth or your daily activities are reducing it daily to shame of inability to grow.

Build a system that will hold yourself truly accountable in relation to things like business time, business money, business workforce and others. Good news is that they can be learnt. If not committed to it, get someone to run the micro business and hold them accountable.

Decide and commit to be a pillar of your micro business from the loyalty you have for it as the founder.

Every business is scalable. Learn and discover how to grow your micro enterprise.

#Step of Power #Grain of Power #Every Business is Scalable #Join a Community of Over 500 Micro Enterprises

We continue to grow together. Until next week.



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