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- Cheat code for Year 2025. Tilting to Think (60%) - Do(20%) - Review(20%)
Cheat code for Year 2025. Tilting to Think (60%) - Do(20%) - Review(20%)
Overworking has become the symbol of many business makers. This has in other terms become religious solace where many think that by overworking they will satisfy themselves about guaranteed future results.

For many, they believe thinking always happens automatically. They believe thinking will happen either way and their brains will tell them what to do as they continue bombarding other physical activities. The world all over is vibrating over the innovations done by ordinary humans who bring out extra ordinary ideas to reality. These are people who brings out their deeper thought into physical world.
Overworking has become the symbol of many business makers. This has in other terms become religious solace where many think that by overworking they will satisfy themselves about guaranteed future results.
Clever man may work smarter, not harder, they say, but the creative man doesn’t work at all.
Let’s look at what has created comfort with least results. Overworking comfort has created complacency where many businesses makers have foregone role of creating innovations within the business.
The believe that waking up 3.30 am, dushing to the street to ensure your stock for grocery is availed on time, then working upto 10pm ensuring all passerby prospective customers are served gives you comfort that you are hard working person. This continues to give comfort to many that their positive results are guaranteed in coming days.
No wonder we have micro businesses that have been gracious to operate for over 15 years but their stock level remained same all these years.
Our tradition have really messed with our mindset. Either adopted from formal schooling where you were told work hard for best results which will guarantee you best life. Immediately you got the grades, you abandoned learning. Even the micro business you are running was an after thought after you found yourself struggling with life, you just decided to copy what you saw others doing like grocery, hawking and so on.
The secret is activating your thinking ability that you once activated when in school and you managed to finish many years of conditioned education.
The secret is the cheat code we want to talk about here for stagnating results in your business which is tilting your mindset to adopt following;
Thinking- This has been taking second chance in your priorities. We bring it to number one priority
Do - This has been your number one priority. We give it number two
Review – This has not been a concern for you at all. We now show it as part of your quality thought process.
Flow and Quality of Your Thinking
We are starting from point where your thinking has never been a planned role. I know this has served you well because you could be able to concentrate on what brings you comfort which is physical hard work.
Your mind is an elastic muscle that adopt the practice you put it to. Like thinking about pillars
It shrinks when idly used and it enlarges when it is practiced to think. Someone once claimed that if you keep overthinking you can get blood pressure. This is not about your mind. Your mind is able to set its own boundaries.
How do you improve quality of your thought process.
In this era of tanks and tanks of informal education through web, improving quality of your thought process is very authentic and guaranteed.
Starting by ensuring for any idea you have, read and re read available materials about the same thing.
Recently one of my micro biz growth mentee asked me about how to go about growing from one branch to onother for his hotel. He was well convinced that he is due for onother branch. I just advised him to look for two or three written pieces about expansion. After one month he confirmed that he was not due for expansion and instead realized his current operations need to be nurtured more for internal expansion.
This opens up new potential you never know you have- elasticity of mind and ability to refine your thinking.
Adopting thinking process as part of your daily activities is onother unlocking key. Waking up and ensuring every day you have selected one hour of deep imaginations and thinking.
Ensure that as a business decision maker tilt your priorities and give 60% of your time to thinking, evaluating ideas with right information and this will definitely turn to be a true cheat code for your growth.
Ideas will start flowing, quality decisions will be inevitable.
Don’t be stuck in physical overworking.
Impact of Well-Coordinated Doings
While every one at your business is meant to ensure they wake up and achieve certain task- coordination and flow of these activities will be the ultimate key performance indicators
As the decision maker in your business, your actions should be well coordinated from your thought process.
Adopting simple tool of planning and tracking daily activities will release you from the trap of feeling over working is the measure of guaranteed results.
Overworking denies you opportunity to refine your approach of physical activities.
Where your coordinated thought process generate refined ideas, your weekly, monthly or quarterly plan moves to few activities that generate more impact.
This set pace for learning from your past experience and the journey for continuous improvement sets in.
When overwork becomes your identity, often through unconscious repetition often towards a goal you were unconsciously assigned society, you constantly feel anxious when ‘’ you are not being productive’’ – when not overworking
Most micro business leaders get productivity wrongly. They may not say it, but their actions show it. They believe productivity is about quantity and not quality. They think productivity is about working on all things within you and not working on one thing that bring results to all others.
Including Review System
Many micro businesses leaders are victims. Like victim of lack of business control
A small trend where they kept on rushing to do what comes their way, led to create a whole system with no displine. They operate business just to serve their convenience.
They are all over busy and busy.
All activities that happens within the business need to be subject of monitoring and review. Further more you can only monitor and review something that is measurable. It therefore means this will subject decision maker to only create activities that are measurable.
Adopting a review system of all activities within the business will definitely build a culture of bettering best of yesterday.
Human beings likes to hear they are good. They are emotional beings and therefore when you attach activities to feedback you also unlock attachment.
Without reviews you are missing a forward moving lifestyle designed to achieve your vision from which you can extract, create and connect ideas to bring value. You are missing the context as a decision maker.
Business review mechanism is building trust magnet for yourself to business. It becomes strong and strong.
You are tired of year with no clear direction.
You are tired other business are growing apart from yours.
Your energy is draining every day and feeling like other people are smarter than you.
You feel like your back ground has forces dragging you backward.
I will 100% honest. You must avoid haphazard way of generating your activities.
You just need to tilt your mind and capture winning formular
Think – Do – Review.
For now i believe that provokes. Wishing you happiest year 2025 ahead full of opportunities and your ability to work on them !
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